The Risks and Benefits of Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability of older men and women. Billions of dollars are spent every year on glucosamine and chondroitin supplements to treat the condition. Do they work, and, if so, what are their downsides? Join me for this one-hour live webinar on these popular supplements to get all your questions answered.

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Should You Get Annual Flu Shots and Shingles and Pneumonia Vaccinations?

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone over the age of 6 months get a routine annual flu shot, a shingles vaccine series at age 50, and vaccination against pneumonia at age 65. Data from observation studies on vaccine recipients that show benefits far exceeding the risks are confounded by the fact that people who choose to get vaccinated are more likely to be white, married, nonsmokers of a higher social class, with higher levels of education, higher incomes, and health insurance. You can’t tell cause-and-effect until you put it to the test by randomizing people to vaccine or placebo injections. Join me for my live webinar on March 15 at 2pm ET to find out what randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have to say about the pros and cons of getting these vaccines.

How Not to Age Book Club

Join me for a series of four live webinars where I’ll dive into each part of my new book, How Not to Age, and highlight some of the most important passages. I’ll spend time summarizing each week’s section, then open it up for Q&A. If you’ve already gotten your copy, you know that How Not to Age is such a massive book that there’s a lot of ground to cover in each webinar.

How Not to Age Webinar

Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly anti-aging literature and developed this new presentation to deliver the good news that we have tremendous power over our longevity and health destiny. He will cover natural ways to slow the aging process, the diets and lifestyles of healthiest, longest-living populations, ways to preserve brain, bowel, and bladder function as we age, as well as tips to combat skin aging and menopausal symptoms.

Choosing the Safest and Most Effective Sunscreen

Up to 90 percent of visible facial aging is due to sun exposure. Randomized controlled trials have put the daily application of sunscreen to the test for both slowing skin aging and preventing skin cancer. In this one-hour live webinar, Dr. Greger will go over the pros and cons of regular use of sunscreen, detail the best way to apply it, and discuss how to choose the safest brands, of particular importance given recent findings that the absorption of sunscreen chemicals into the bloodstream is greater than previously thought.

How to Prevent and Treat Age-Related Hearing Loss

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Age-related hearing loss is not inevitable. What can we learn from cultures who retain their hearing into old age? In this one-hour live webinar, Dr. Greger will cover the lifestyle factors that put your hearing at risk and the diet and supplements that have been put to the test to prevent and even reverse hearing loss.

Boosting Collagen Formation Through Diet and Supplements

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. As we age, our synthesis of collagen decreases by about 1 percent a year, which may contribute to the development of wrinkles. In this hour-long live webinar, I’ll address whether collagen supplements may help with skin aging, as well as with arthritis, and how we can maintain and boost our own body’s synthesis of collagen with diet.

Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis

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Nearly one in five adults in the world may have osteoporosis, but the good news is that only about 30 percent of osteoporotic bone fracture risk is genetic. In this live two-hour webinar, I’ll cover bone mineral density screening, common over-the-counter drugs like acid blockers that may increase fracture risk, how safe and effective the current oral and injected osteoporosis medications are, which foods may help protect our bones, the best type and frequency of exercise, and how to reduce fall risk. Please join me at 2pm ET on May 12.

Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation

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A medical consensus of public health authorities around the world has considered water fluoridation at appropriate levels as a safe and effective means to prevent cavities on a community-wide scale. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deemed the fluoridation of drinking water as one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century. There is little question that supplemental fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces decay, but at what cost?

In the last few years, there have been growing concerns about the adverse effects of fluoride on brain development. Given the National Toxicology Program’s draft conclusion that fluoride should now be presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard, a dispassionate and tempered discussion of fluoride’s potential neurotoxicity is warranted.

Ironically, it was the anti-fluoridationists who were accused of their “anti-scientific” attitudes, but now it’s the pro-fluoridationists who may be ignoring evidence that doesn’t conform to their beliefs. I hope you’ll join me at 2pm ET on Friday, February 24, for a live one-hour webinar, where I’ll discuss these issues, address fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, and answer your questions.

Should You Supplement with Vitamin K2?

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Vitamin K supplements are touted for bone, brain, and heart health, but have they been shown to help? To complicate matters, there are multiple types: Vitamin K1 is concentrated in greens, and a type of vitamin K2 is found in animal products. Do we need both? Do we have to rely on a healthy microbiome for conversion? Do we have to eat a slimy, fermented food called natto? What is natto anyway? Join me for a 60-minute live webinar on October 7 at 2pm ET to learn everything you ever wanted to know about vitamin K.

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